The story opens by Lyra Belaqua an orphan girl who lives in an alternate world that is similiar to earth, but where people's soul exist outside of their bodies in animal form. the people are ruled by a shadowy and oppressive council known as the Magisterium, which is doing it's best to keep everyone from getting information about what is called "Dust Lyra's Uncle Asriel" has been researching Dust and he has seen in it Lyra is given safe shelter at Jordan College, but when the visiting Mrs Coulter arrives, she ask Lyra accompany her on a trip to the North to meet the Panserjorne, a race of armortedbears, before lyra leaves the haedmaster gives her a golden compass, a devices which only she can read and from which she can intuit the truth, lyra leaves with Mrs coulter, but when she learns that her friends have forces with the nomadic Gyptians some witches and an armored bear called forek bynison lyra finds her friends and so discovers the evil plans the magisterium has cooked up for the world's children.
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