Freddy's back and he wants revenge he soon fulfills his evil desires with a little help from the new kid in town Jesse Walsh. after a few nights of horrible nightmare, jesse believes that something evil is alive in the house. when he discovers the grisly details about freedy kruegur, he is deeply disturbed. This is the man who' been appearing in his dreams. unabl to stop him jesse succumble to the evil impulses of freedy, who has taken passions of his body, beginning a new rampage of murder, panic stricken, jesse tries to stay awake to keep freedy from breaking through but it's no use. Freedy's craving for blood knows no bounds causing a new string of murders to hit Elm Street. Having no idea how to stop the nightmare, jesse begs his girlfriend Lisa to leave before it's late.
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DVDUntuk pinjaman dan rujukan bahan:
Unit Sumber Media,
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