A brand new english sitcom is poised to take Malaysian by storm. the sixteen half hour episode series revolves around a group of regulars who congregate at a trendy cafe in Kuala Lumpur. the lead character in kopitiam is Marie, played by his young and talented Joanna Bossey, who inherits an old kopitiam (coffe shop) from her recently deceased father, with some encouragement from her friend. she decides to turn it into a friendly cafe where people can go when they want to be with friends by giving the place slight facelift retaining a lot of its original from the old days are two friends of her father, played by Mano Maniam and Tan Jin Chor. these cahracters make the kopitiam their home away home as the sip cups of kopi O and chat about everything under the sun togeher and a "klasu" Singaporean lawyer. the series will focus on the young adults their work, hopes and disappointments, as they are guided by the experiences and worldly wisdom the other two members of the group.
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