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Adapted from a popular online novel, Star TV’s Pretty Ugly is the latest star-studded idol drama to hit Taiwan televisions. Popular singers JJ Lin and Nicky Lee make their leading man debuts in this bright youth comedy, along with drama regular Michael Chang (The Outsiders) and rising star Alice Tseng from Secret. Breaking from the Jerry Yan and Wu Chun molds of idol drama alternate reality, Pretty Ugly is the hilarious underdog story of an average-looking guy and his fumbling quest for romance. Mixing nonsensical sitcom humor with an endearing romantic storyline, Pretty Ugly is looking pretty good after all.
Since he was a kid, Xiao Zhuang (JJ Lin) has been under the delusion that’s he’s handsome. After all that’s what the relatives and local hawkers always say. But when he gets to college, Xiao Zhuang is rudely awakened by the revelation that he’s not so handsome after all. But that’s not going to stop him from pining after his dream girl, cool and aloof campus beauty Cindy (Alice Tseng). With the help of his goofy best friends Si Si (Nicky Lee) and Kang (Michael Chang), Xiao Zhuang comes up with all kinds of (mostly unsuccessful) strategies to find true love..
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