9 September 2016


   This review will be virtually identical to my earlier review of Hi-5 Star Dreaming, as both the format for this program, and the quality of the content and transfer are identical.

   As I wrote in my last review, 'Hi-5 is a well-paced and entertaining Australian children's television program that debuted in 1999. My two-year-old son took to the two DVDs that I got to review immediately, and he now excitedly wakes me up each morning with a gentle shake and the words 'Hi-5 please?!' The programs are filled with singing, dancing, movement, stories and some Play School style artistic activities. While not so obvious about its educational value as say Sesame Street, like the Wiggles, Hi-5 stimulate children's minds while thoroughly entertaining them. The five Hi5 team members all posses a great child-like enthusiasm, and they are well supported by a cast of fun puppets and happy children'. Every episode has a different theme, and the theme for this episode is music and machines.

    According to their web site, Hi-5 was created and produced by Helena Harris and Posie Graeme-Evans, who are committed to giving the show a solid educational basis. 'The aim of Hi-5 is to cater for a wide range of young children, acknowledging the span of cognitive abilities and learning styles. The program presents material with the understanding that children will respond in different ways and be more open to a particular mode of integrating ideas.' They recognise that young children learn holistically, therefore the program includes a number of segments, each of which focuses on a different area of learning.

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